Dedicated to Softball Girls with Big Hearts & Big Dreams
Sep 21, 2018
There are two types of people on every team. There are thermostats and there are thermometers. In order to determine which category you fall under, we need a first define the purpose of each of these instruments.
A thermometer is something that displays the temperature of a room or area. It does not have the ability to bring the temperature up or down. There is no change to its environment or impact. It is simply an indication of what is already going on.
A thermostat can bring the temperature of a room or a whole house up and down by setting it appropriately. This device is in control of the climate and can have a huge impact on daily life. Imagine living in a house in an Alaskan winter with no thermostat for heat. It would be very apparent the problems you’d begin to have. A thermometer would do no good for you. You would already realize it was cold!
Begin to think about the different personalities on your team and how they relate to these tools. A thermostat represents a person who has the ability to ramp up a team. This is somebody who is not afraid to start cheers, a person with the key hit to bring in a go ahead run or a person that gives the team a pump up talk before a big inning. Thermostats have the ability to change the temperature of the whole team. Thermostats are leaders. They are not afraid to act goofy or look weird if they fail, and they are not embarrassed by what they are doing or saying in front of their teammates. They are confident.
In contrast, thermometers are influenced by the current temperature of the room. The team climate influences the mood of someone who is a thermometer. If others around them are complaining or upset, they're likely going to be the ones to follow suit and complain or reflect the same frustrations. This can be detrimental to the downfall of a team. Thermometers are afraid to disagree with other people so if someone is complaining they will most likely to complain with them. If someone doesn't want to go to practice they will most likely share in the same opinion. If something bad happens in a game and someone complains of their misfortune, a thermometer will also complain and become discouraged. If the team all of a sudden turns it around and are excited, they will also follow suit and be excited for everyone else. If a team is losing and the morale is down, a thermometer will not be the person to get everybody excited again.
So which are you? Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you are a thermostat or thermometer…
Do you agree with people who are complaining about practices, games or the coach? If you are someone who agrees with complainers, you might be a thermometer. If you're someone who's not afraid to stand up for what you believe in and aren’t hesitant to tell someone else that you disagree, you might be a thermostat. Thermostats are excited about practice. They believe they have a chance to win the game and will back up the coach.
Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? If you're somebody who has a positive outlook on life and on the game of softball itself, you might be a thermostat. If you are someone who has the glass half empty outlook you might be a thermometer.
Do you start team cheers or have encouraging pep talks with your team? If you are the person to help elevate a team through positive talks and cheers, you are most likely a thermostat. This is good because this will allow your team to get pumped up in a situation in which the morale is down. Starting team cheers is a great way to take the climate of your team up a level.
Are you vocal person on your team? When you're loud you have the ability to influence other people. Your words matter to your team. People who are loud on the field are looked to as leaders. Those who are quiet don't always have a huge impact. A person can influence people through an incredible play on the field, but if the ball is not hit to you or you are not up to bat or on the bases, it is difficult to make that same impact. Get yourself out of your comfort zone and raise your vocal presence on your team little by little each practice and game. Do your best to recognize when your team is too amped up or too nervous and calm them down.
The good news is even if you think you are a thermometer you can work to change to be a thermostat. Below are three ways you can do that.